The main flaw of modern science is its excessive differentiation and weakness of interdisciplinary generalization. A facet approach does not allow us to catch the holistic nature of human being and to realize a theoretical breakthrough in the study of reasonable human behavior. Nowadays, the solving of basic scientific problems, AI systems design, medical care, and other in the framework of only one scientific discipline becomes especially impossible. The time to scatter stones has passed; the time has come to collect them. The mission of the journal is to promote effective international multidisciplinary interaction of specialists in the study of reasonable human behavior based on a systemic approach. We proclaim the principle of open access to publications, which makes interdisciplinary research available online to everyone, all over the world. Journal welcomes both previously unpublished materials at the intersection of various scientific disciplines devoted to the study of the systemic foundations of reasonable human behavior, as well as the replication of scientific data to confirm the reliability of the facts and early-obtained regularities. We are committed to developing the generation of scientists of the future who will be able to overcome interdisciplinary barriers.